Simona Galizia
Hypnagogic Dal’ is a tribute to Dalì works and his hypnagogic state. “You must seat yourself in a bony armchair, preferably of Spanish style, with your head tilted back and resting on the stretched leather back.
Your two hands must hang beyond the arms of the chair, to which your own must be soldered in a supineness of complete relaxation. […] In this posture, you must hold a heavy key which you will keep suspended, delicately pressed between the extremities of the thumb and forefinger of your left hand. Under the key you will previously have placed a plate upside down on the floor…. The moment the key drops from your fingers, you may be sure that the noise of its fall on the upside down plate will awaken you.”
This procedure utilizes the muscle paralysis that naturally occurs upon falling asleep, causing the spoon to drop and startle you awake. Just before awakening you momentarily enter the hypnagogic sleep state, a state similar to REM sleep where the mind is fluid and hyperassociative, allowing creative connections to form, connections between seemingly remote concepts that you may not realize in the structure of waking thought. In other words, in this state your mind is able to bring together distant ideas in a new way.
The hypnagogic state is a peculiar sensory experience that marks the onset of sleep. This intriguing mildly hallucinogenic state can be used to have wake induced lucid dreams, by remaining aware while they lull you to restfulness. You can even shape the visions at will, leading directly to your lucid dreamscape. Hypnagogia can include a mesmerizing array of visions, sounds, bodily sensations and insights as you sail through the borderland sleep-wake state.
Artist, Illustrator, Video Animator, Graphic Designer
June 2015- November 2016 Freelancer Artist, Illustrator, Video Animator March
2015- May 2015 Graphic designer, Illustrator The book of everyone, Jason Bramley, Steve Hanson & Jonny Biggins Calle de Pamplona 08018, Barcelona, Spain +34 620919869
October 2014 - February 2015 Graphic designer Fenice s.r.l., Donatella Ranni & Antonio Di Petta Via Sandro Pertini, 66050, San Salvo (Ch), Italy +39 0873 538135
June 2014 – September 2014 Graphic designer, Illustrator, Video Animator Televisuals, Dennis Alexander Heida Vondellaan, 76, 3521 GH, Utrecht, The Netherlands +31 643750468
June 2012 – July 2012 Graphic designer The book of everyone, Jason Bramley, Steve Hanson & Jonny Biggins Calle de Pamplona 08018, Barcelona, Spain +34620919869
October 2015 – June 2016 Postgraduate Diploma in Creative Illustration and Visual Communication Techniques EINA, Barcelona, Spain Progressive Development of new techniques and new supports of the illustration. Professional practices. Reflections on the role of the illustrator and their relationship with the sectors that comprise the demand (advertising agencies, media, design studios, publishers, etc.).
September 2012 – January 2015
Master degree in Design, Visual and Multimedia Communication University “La Sapienza” of Rome, Italy Multimedia communication. Interactive design and iconic interface. Communicative strategy. Culture of design, from project to production. Editorial graphic, corporate design, communication and informative sistems, web design, motion graphic. Artistic and semiotic research. Aesthetic theory. Iconography. Cognitive sociology.
September 2013 – June 2014 ERASMUS EDUCATION Istanbul Teknik Universitesi September
2009 – October 2012 Bachelor degree in Industrial Design University “La Sapienza” of Rome, Italy Redaction of the concept. Technical and theoretical ability. Designing development. Control of instruments, Languages and technologies. Knowledge of product, interior, exhibit, public and graphic design.
▪animated short movie “Cycle” projected at Zagreb Museum of Contemporary Art, 2015 and at Stripart XXI in Barcelona, 2016
▪backstage PASS in Barcelona, 2016
▪illustration selected for III Premi d’Illustraciò Letra Petita, 2016 and exposed at Biblioteca Clarà in Barcelona
▪illustrations selected for Dress your wall 2016